Pieced together throughout summer 2015, Anthony has created a shoot to call his own, and without doubt a shoot to be proud of.
Located right on the border of England and Wales, a stone’s throw from Bishops Castle, The Ridgeway has all the makings of a first class Driven Pheasant & Partridge Shoot. Steep sided deep valleys, narrow gullies, acres of woodland and much more make us very excited about the potential this shoot has moving forwards. The feel you get from The Ridgeway is nothing short of magic, and when stood in the valley bottoms looking up at the drives it’s hard to imagine anywhere better.
We put on days to suit the requirements of our guests. Early on in the season, larger days of 300+ birds are normal and this then deceases as the season progresses depending on demand.
Days are typically hosted by Anthony Pryce and will include coffee on arrival, elevensies with champagne and nibbles, and a two course lunch at Mellington Hall with wine and beer.
The Ridgeway has enjoyed a great first season showing some top quality driven pheasants to some seasoned teams of guns. With some fantastic drives such as Nut Wood, The Reservoir and JJ’s we challenge even the best teams to shoot at under 7:1. We have no doubts that The Ridgeway will offer a memorable day out combining first class hospitality with an unforgettable shooting experience.
We want to keep building, experimenting and improving to ensure this shoot becomes one of the best in the country and we firmly believe that the area has the potential to let us fulfil this ambition. We would love to welcome you and your team to show you what we have to offer and we have no doubt that you will want to come back to these enchanting valleys year after year.
If there is anything we can help you with please do not hesitate to get in touch and we will do our very best to help.